Tuesday 7 April 2009



  1. A very defying cartoon, thought-provoking. It is really enticing and provocative. I´d love to read how your mates react to it. As for me, I believe that reading is not restricted to books only. What do you think?

  2. Yes! you're right... not only books make us read... TV makes us read and a lot!!!!
    And I'm looking forward to reading what my mates think of it!!

    Thanks Pilar for your comment!!!!
    And Happy Easter!!!

  3. Hi Bren!! Nice blog! About the cartoon...yes, it made me think about how TV can influence the minds of our children...And I don't like what I have come up with! Let's hope that we as teachers are able to do something to revert it, even if it's not much.
    And about your text, I love your sincerity! It's so great when someone is frank and open... Keep on writing like that!
    See you soon! Hugs

  4. Hi Brenda!! You know I love your style and how clear you are with what you want to express or even teach(remember last year).The carttoon is really good it says so much of our society now a days....Bye, Ani

  5. Thanks For your comments!!!

    They are really great!!!

    I'll do my best to be better day after day!!

    See you


  6. Great blog, great cartoon, great girl!!!

  7. Hi Brenda! Very creative and original idea to start your portfolio with a cartoon and its joke. I liked it so much and it was pleasurable to look at it.
